Saturday, June 15, 2013

An old blog from November 2006....

Ok, so this really isn't a day in the life of me blog. It's more like how I see life. So someone close to me and I were talking and many things came as revelations for us. First and foremost, age doesn't mean wisdom. It really doesn't. For the two of us, who have seen so much in six, almost seven years,  we find that often. When it comes to the deeper side of life, we just have been through so much. I got rather riled up today, for no other reason, I think, than because I can, and I realized a few things.

 Beauty really isn't about the skin you are prancing around in. That isn't what matters. What matters are those that can see past themselves and really give, because beauty is a gift. There is no point in having it if you aren't giving it away. See, the thing is, I can think of a few people that I know like this, but have you ever met those people that are so shallow and so involved in themselves that you swear, if you cracked them open it would be empty, or worse? Like those people that open their mouths and the void sucks you in because they are so dark and discontent and empty that they spew confusion and discord without even a sound. Yeah, those people. Does it really matter what they look like? Should they really be called beautiful? Because, really, we wear the hell out of our skin! What good does it do to pamper it, if the inside is rotting? Sure, I might choose an apple because it looks good, but I sure as hell am not going to eat it, if it is decaying inside. 

Then, I also was thinking about love and how, we as a society, put it in this little box with instructions. Let me tell you something. A vast majority of people in this world will probably never learn how to really love, not the way that God created it. We use the term unconditionally so loosely now, but is it the truth? And why do they say that we can only be in love with one person? If we have the capacity, then who is wrong: The person who truly loves, or the person who stands by and judges whether someone is loved? I am loved more deeply than I could ever imagine. I love the same way. When someone says love, I think of flames igniting inside me. The compulsion to be or do the best. The willingness to really put yourself behind for that person. The absolute need to see them happy, even if it makes you sad. That is where my soon to be ex and I are. I need to see him happy though I don't think I can do that for him. I need to see Puck do what is right and what is going to make Puck happy even if it means sacrificing myself. Because, what is love if nothing but a huge sacrifice? What is life if we aren't willing or open to a little sadness, hurt, and heartache, just for the chance that we could be truly happy? Because, as much as it hurts, did you ever think that maybe all that comes before is in preparation for the happiness you have always yearned for?

 But, we don't create happiness, so how do we get there.? Well, first and foremost, know who you are. Because, how can we connect when there is nothing in ourselves to connect to? The next part is the easy part. Don't go looking. If you are truly happy with your life, the way you are, happiness will find you. Through everything, isn't that what we all deserve? So, I have decided that when I meet someone shallow, or someone so discontent with themselves they feel the need to project, I am not going to get mad. I'm just going to hope and pray that someday, they can understand love and happiness like I have. I might be a little odd., but nobody said I wasn't But I am happy. At least most days.....

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