Friday, May 3, 2013

I Am That Mom

I am not that mom. I will not do your homework. I will not do your chores. I will not clean your room. I am not that mom. What I will do, is help you in anyway that I can. Do you see that key word? You know, the one that starts with H? Yes, I will help you. Sometimes that means buttoning pants or reminding to wipe and flush, and sometimes, like tonight, it means I will almost throw my computer over the balcony to get your report printed when my Word won't work.

I will be your warrior and your advocate. I will stand by you when someone is being unfair or not understanding of your limits. I will battle the world to give you every chance. That also means that I will not accept excuses. If you are not putting your all into a project, I will not listen to you whine about your grades. If you are being rude or obtuse, I will point it out to you. I will not take your attitude just because I didn't let you have what you want. I will not let you use your autism as an excuse to skate through life.

You will work hard for your achievements. You will put your all into everything you do. You will live your life to a full potential. You will pursue what you love with passion and dedication. I expect you to show respect to those around you, hard as that may be. You are not your autism. It does not define you. I know your potential. I know what you are capable of. I know the heights that you can reach if you do these things. I want to see you achieve what you have set out to do. I want to see you reach the end of the path you have chosen. You not only have to want something, you have to have the ability, and you do. You are that child. I will be here for you to encourage you every step of the way because I am that mom.

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