Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Chance to Touch Another Person's Soul

I originally started this blog as an autism blog. It was meant to be a place where the longer posts that don't fit in my feeds could take flight. Recently though, I have found my writer's block lifting and more of everything coming out. I was always a writer at heart, though mostly expressed myself through poetry. I get these streams of thought that run through my head and lately, I have had to get them out. Often times, they are rambling and jump around an awful lot, but I think my mind was built that way. I also believe that is why I always stuck to poetry. Poetry doesn't always make sense and quite often the true meaning is hidden in massive metaphors. Sometimes, I think my life makes more sense as one.

Writing is something I have always wanted to do. Specifically, I wanted to write a book. Life always got in the way. I would like to say that I have the time now and am going to let my dreams take flight, but that won't happen. While the time is more there now and the writer's block has started to lift, I wouldn't even know where to start. I would like to fancy myself a fantasy writer, seeing as that is what I read most, but that is not where my strengths lie. My strongest and most heartfelt writing comes in truth. Sounds like a simple thing, right? I could just tell about life. That is where the problems really start for me.

Who's life do I write about? If I write about mine, where do I start? What part of my life would be so interesting that it would catch readers? I find when I tell a story about my life, people seem genuinely interested. It isn't like I have lived a boring one. However, when someone picks up a book, they are looking for an escape. That is one thing my life has never been. I spent my childhood hiding, my teen years running, my early adulthood wrapped in chains, and am just now starting to get a grip on my life. I am finally feeling content and where I should be.

My life hasn't been any harder or easier than anybody else. I am a firm believer of degrees. People look at my life and think it has been so hard and think I am so strong. I am not. What I am is human. I experience life like everyone else. What life hands me is different than what it hands other people, but it is no harder. There is no such thing as the easy life. Life is. What my mind and heart can handle is different than other people, but the same can be said when reversed. I am no hero. Yes, I have faced trials, but so has every one else at some point in their lives. Just because something in my life deeply affects someone else, doesn't make it book worthy.

So, what do you write about when the thing you express the best isn't something meant for a book? You write a blog. Maybe someday somebody sees it and thinks it's good enough to compile. The reality of that is so slim, I choose not to entertain the thought. I will continue to write what my heart tells me to. My heart and my mind love to escape into fantasy, but honestly, my mind can't write there. So, I will continue to pour my heart out here and know that someone somewhere is listening.

If you happen upon my blog here, whether by following an autism link, or by chance, stay awhile. Maybe I have a story for you. Maybe something in my life will touch something in yours. When that happens, I will be happy, because in all honesty, that is all one can really ask for. A chance to touch another person's soul.

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