Monday, February 11, 2013

SS the Choarder

A newly found friend of mine gave me a great idea for a blog. We were discussing our children's mutual tendency to be hoarders, or choarders (child hoarders), as they are called on The Street. As the conversation went on, I started to think of some of the things I have found in, on, or under SS's bed and I thought, what a great idea. For those of you that are new to me, let me tell you that SS is 8 years old and has ASD. Now, choarders come in all shapes, sizes, and neurotypes, but ASD kids have such a unique way of thinking that it leaves you with a serious WTH mind set when you find something. Instead of giving you every detail of the discovery stories, I will proceed to list them, for your enjoyment.

unopened peanut butter jars
opened peanut butter jars
unopened bread
opened bread
cough drops all out of their wrappers, but none eaten
a dirty knife with day old cake crumbs
a cup of milk
her brother's Pokemon cards
her brother's Skylander figurines
girl scout cookies (can't say I blame her for those)
masking tape
duct tape
wrapping paper tape
wrapping paper
unused plates
clean plates
milk in the jug
a pan of brownies
post it notes
peanut butter spoons
assorted cutlery
entire boxes of cereal
entire boxes of pudding cups and fruit

Well, you get the picture. We try to clean her room out once a week and have her do it the other days, but it's never the same and always a surprise. She has recently realized, after 2 years, that we will find things in her room, so now we are finding them in the dirty laundry, under the bathroom sink, and other such weird places. I mean, who finds the remote they thought they lost days ago in the bottom of a cereal box, or their license in the broiler. The places we find things is astounding. The ONE place she has never tried to hide things is the book shelves. She may be a ninja choarder, but she is a smart one!

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